As we get deeper into the exploration of Natural Law and its impact on us with words, sounds and vibrations let us try and understand what is happening at the cellular level and beyond.
What is the connection between geometric forms and electromagnetism and who were the leaders in this field?
The connection between geometric forms and electromagnetism is related to the fact that both can be described mathematically using similar equations and principles. Some researchers and scientists have explored the potential for certain geometric forms to influence or interact with electromagnetic fields, and some have proposed that certain geometric shapes may have specific resonant frequencies that can be harnessed for various applications, such as energy healing or energy generation.
Some notable figures in this field are:
Dr. Dan Winter, an American researcher and inventor who has proposed that certain geometric shapes, such as the "Golden Mean" spiral, have specific resonant frequencies that can be used for energy healing and energy generation.
Dr. John Stuart Reid, an Acoustic engineer and cymatics researcher, who has explored the relationship between sound and geometric forms, and proposed that certain shapes and patterns can be used to harness the power of sound for various applications, such as energy healing and energy generation.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, an American developmental biologist, who has proposed that the geometry of cells and cell membranes may play a role in how they respond to electromagnetic fields.
Dr. Robert Moon, an American physicist and mathematician, who has proposed that certain geometric shapes may be able to interact with electromagnetic fields in ways that can be harnessed for various applications, such as energy healing and energy generation.
Who are the leading figures in Cymatics?
Dr. Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor, and natural scientist, who is considered the father of modern Cymatics. He conducted extensive research on the relationship between sound and geometric forms, and developed the Cymatic device, which he used to create and study the patterns created by sound waves..
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, a British biologist, and author, who has proposed the "Morphic Resonance" theory, which suggests that patterns and shapes created by sound waves in Cymatics may be influenced by a collective memory or resonance present in the universe
Dr. Steve Barnes, an American physicist, who has explored the relationship between Cymatics and the ancient belief that sound and music can have healing properties.
Dr. Joel Sternheimer, a French theoretical physicist, who has proposed that Cymatics patterns may provide a link between the microcosm of the atom and the macrocosm of the universe.
What evidence if any of the use of cymatics in ancient cultures?
There is some evidence that the use of Cymatics was known and utilized by ancient cultures. For example:
The ancient Egyptians were known to use sound in their healing practices and had detailed knowledge of the healing properties of different sounds and vibrations. The use of sound and vibration in healing is believed to be similar to Cymatics.
The ancient Greeks used sound and music in healing practices, and the Pythagorean School of Philosophy believed that certain musical intervals and harmonies had healing properties.
The ancient Chinese and Indian cultures have records of using sound and vibration in healing practices.
The Hopi and Navajo tribes of North America have traditional healing practices that involve the use of singing and drumming to promote healing.
The ancient civilization of Chavin in Peru, had a temple called Castillo de Huantar, which is believed to have been designed to enhance and amplify the sounds made by the priests during ceremonies.
What other fields are cymatics used in?
Cymatics is used in a variety of fields, including:
Acoustics: Cymatics can be used to study the behavior of sound waves and how they interact with different materials and surfaces, which is important in the design and optimization of acoustical environments such as concert halls and recording studios.
Music: Cymatics can be used to study the relationship between sound and music, and to explore new ways of creating and manipulating sound.
Art: Cymatics patterns can be used as a visual representation of sound and music, and have been used as inspiration for various forms of artistic expression, such as sculpture, painting, and animation.
Medicine: Some researchers have proposed that Cymatics can be used to study the effects of sound on the human body, and to explore new ways of using sound to promote healing and wellness.
Education: Cymatics can be used to teach and demonstrate various principles of physics, such as waves and vibrations, in a visually engaging and interactive way.
Advertising and branding: Cymatics patterns can be used as a visual representation of sound and music, and can be used in advertising and branding to create a sense of harmony, balance, and rhythm.
Who used electromagnetic frequencies for healing?
There are several individuals and groups who have used electromagnetic frequencies for healing, including:
Royal Rife, an American inventor and early researcher in the field of electromagnetic medicine, developed a frequency generator that he claimed could cure cancer by destroying the microorganisms that he believed caused the disease.
Nikola Tesla was known to have explored the use of electromagnetic energy for healing, experimenting with high-frequency currents and developing devices he believed could transmit healing energy over long distances.
Dr. Robert O. Becker, an American orthopedic surgeon, and researcher in the field of regenerative medicine, wrote extensively about the potential for electromagnetic frequencies to heal bone and tissue injuries.
Dr. James L. Oschman, an American researcher in the field of energy medicine, has written extensively about the potential for electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing by stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms.
Dr. Isaac Goiz DurĂ¡n, a Mexican naturopathic doctor, developed a healing technique called BioGeometry that uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance the body's energy and promote healing.
Dr. Hulda Clark, an American naturopath who developed a healing technique called the "Zapper" that uses a low-frequency electromagnetic frequency to kill pathogens and parasites in the body.
It's worth noting that many of the applications and uses of Cymatics are considered alternative and not widely accepted by the scientific (lol) community, and have not been widely proven.