Natural Law when it resonates with Souls Law becomes Spiritual Law
This is the Law to follow to make the direct connection between human and soul under a combined Spiritual Law
All humans and other sentient beings are sovereign under Natural Law. None has authority over another. If one is a billionaire, all are billionaires.
All souls are created as sovereign spirits, no other soul has authority over another spirit called a soul. If one is supernatural, all are supranatural.
Mans Law is an abomination spitting in the face of Natural Law. Mans's law holds control, power, and authority over you, yet you are free brothers and sisters under Natural Law.
Let us explore objective morality vs subjective morality with no ambiguityÂ
Immoral Acts under Natural Law
Wilfully Lying
They are all theft and can be classed as stealing from another sovereign, whether theft of a life, sexual freedom, bodily, psychological, or technological harm, or the stealing of another's free will, through lying and coercion.
As a sovereign you own yourself, nothing is immoral concerning what you do or do not do with your body. Anything outside of that must be by consent, with none of the immoral acts described above.
No ambiguity, no subjective morality. If attacked you are free to defend under the Natural Law, this is objective morality. Short and simple.
Arseholes Law aka a Million Manmade Laws
Arseholes believe they have power over you, you are not their equals. They form structures like governments, corporations, and courts, and makeup laws and rules that enslave you.
These power structures I like to call demonic entities operate in the world of moral relativism and hide in moral subjectivity. Meaning morals are subject to the whim of those who have authority over you.
This moral compass has no guiding principles or ethics for you as a human slave to discern right from wrong. No wonder we are in such a shit show aka clown planet.
Objective morality is hard-baked into Natural Law and Souls Law. Practice these simple guides and avoid immoral acts under the law and you will connect with your soul.
Immoral Acts under Souls Law. A soul cannot and will not.
Lie or Coerce
If you are not aware of the crime being committed against you and accept it, you have given permission and there you are supporting an immoral act. Any further actions without recognising this to be an immoral act are in contravention of your own sovereignty and that of your fellow sovereigns. You lend support to falsehoods. This is the destructive force that got us here. Objective morality under Natural Law is true freedom.Â
Anything that runs contrary to this is demonic.Â
A corrupted soul slowly becomes a demon, and a corrupted human ultimately becomes a psychopath and the endgame psychosis is an authoritarian dictator. These self-appointed kings and queens are nothing to those who carry the Spiritual Law. Nothing. They run shitting their pants into the gates of hades.
Love under what we will. This is the Spiritual Way of the Law.
Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary
You may want to look at the list of Metaphysics thinkers for a follow-up