The Narcissists are running the show
Lies, deception, and gaslighting are the orders of the day.
Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be challenging and emotionally draining. Some of the common traits that people experience in relationships with a narcissist include:
Lack of empathy: Narcissists have difficulty empathizing with others and tend to be self-centered. They may dismiss or invalidate their partner's feelings, needs, or experiences, which can lead to feelings of neglect, invalidation, or emotional pain.
Manipulation: Narcissists often use manipulation to control their partners and get what they want. They may lie, deceive, or gaslight their partners, making them doubt their own perceptions and experiences.
Grandiosity: Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and may believe they are superior to others. They may expect their partners to admire them and cater to their needs and may become angry or dismissive when their expectations are not met.
Lack of accountability: Narcissists often struggle to take responsibility for their actions and may blame others for their problems. They may refuse to apologize or make amends for their behavior, which can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, or helplessness in their partners.
Boundary violations: Narcissists may disregard their partner's boundaries, invading their privacy or personal space, or pressuring them to engage in activities or behaviors they are not comfortable with. This can lead to feelings of violation, discomfort, or mistrust.
Overall, being in a relationship with a narcissist can be challenging and distressing. It is important for individuals to prioritize their own emotional well-being and seek support from friends, family, or trauma-based professionals if they are struggling in a relationship with a narcissist.
Narcissism at scale
The NWO order is based on subjective moralism contained in the narcissist's operating system. They are running governments, banks, corporations, and the media. I think it is fair to say the narratives are driven by narcissistic tendencies and that can only lead us deeper into the abyss.
Corporatism is a system in which economic and social activities are organized and managed by corporations and other large institutions, rather than by the state or the individual.
Some scholars and commentators have suggested that the rise of corporatism in contemporary society is linked to the rise of narcissism, as both are characterized by a focus on self-interest and the pursuit of power and success. According to this view, the values and behaviors associated with narcissism, such as a desire for recognition, admiration, and dominance, are reinforced and rewarded within a corporatist system.
Others argue that the relationship between narcissism and corporatism is more complex and nuanced and that other factors, such as political ideology, cultural norms, and historical context, may also play a role in shaping these phenomena.
There are a few scholars and commentators who have explored the potential correlation between narcissism and corporatism. Here are some examples:
Joel Kovel: In his book "The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?" (2002), Kovel argues that the values and behaviors associated with narcissism are reflected in the corporate form, and that the pursuit of profit and power by corporations is driving ecological destruction and social inequality.
Christopher Lasch: In his book "The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations" (1979), Lasch argues that the rise of narcissism in contemporary society is linked to the decline of community and the rise of individualism, which are reinforced by the corporatist system.
Richard Sennett: In his book "The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism" (1998), Sennett argues that the values and practices of the corporate workplace, such as the emphasis on competition and the erosion of job security, can lead to feelings of anxiety and insecurity that contribute to narcissistic behaviors.
Charles Derber: In his book "Corporate Nation: The Rise of the Modern Corporation" (1998), Derber argues that the corporatist system is driven by the pursuit of profit and power, which encourages narcissistic values and behaviors among corporate leaders and employees.
It's worth noting that while these scholars have explored the potential relationship between narcissism and corporatism, their views and interpretations may differ, and this is a subject of ongoing debate among experts in the field.
Inspiration to write my 6th book, "How to Love De-Ceiver Liars"!
Just complete my latest book, "How to Love Hippo-Critter Haters".
Zing Uncle Frank 😎