This story goes MUCH deeper brother, search Sabrina Wallace and bio-field as a body part, and know the Auric field has a code that interfaces with the DNA and sacred form, which GOC and MMM speak to in terms of 369 and the Chestahedron through the palindromic repeats.

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I know Sabrina's work a lot I have covered in biodigital convergence technology. Covered some of the DNA stuff also. GOC and MMM? Thanks

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Great, she shares compelling information of the skullduggery of the Skull & Bones pirates. The Geometry of Consciousness and Morphogenic Matrix Math are the cosmology birthed from the ontology and epistemology I hope to create an archetype with. It appears to hold the secrets to the Auric field cryptography that may be the antidote to the hack that the mRNA appears intended to support along with the 5-6G microwaves. Bioinformatics is another topic that I have not heard her speak to but then I have not invested much with her.

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