Please know, the avatar associated with this account is KEY as the central trefoil triskelion trinity of the Yin Yang are the source of creation of the beat of the Chestahedron, but not How Frank Chester animates it, but in orbital mechanics terms of epochs and epicycles, complex Fourier series related to emerging plasma based physics (TRUTH). In the cosmology of GOC the inert gases are a KEY top the new kingdom coming into view of heaven on eart|H|eart, as we remove the s-words from the philosopher's stone and Camelot comes back on line, when the mascuLINE takes its proper place.

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Thank you for the meta. I have seen the energy many times. The only proximity I can find currently is two types of wave forms, tesseracts and Hopf. I will dig deeper with this new information. Thank you.

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Your intimations regarding the nuance of form in subtle energy terms of the Chestahedron are profoundly resonant with a cosmology named Geometry of Consciousness, with a foundation of spine within the 33 vertebrae and the Skull and Bones of the corporeal within the sacred blood and the vortex of DNA ultimately, called Morphogenic Matrix Math. I am VERY curious the manner with which this form intersects with your Quantum-Mystical Continuum regarding the vacuum of space and time, and how the Zeneth of NEYEN both suck and blows, if you catch my jist, from a kind, in kind heart?

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What is the The Zeneth (Zenith?) of NEYEN? AI seems to be hallucinating around this term and cobbling its own theory :-)

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Ha ha, I do not use that crutch AI, dfinately neve will for a creative endeavor as you are training it for what it does not have or need as it is here to serve not create, and we are here to create NOPT consume. I serve the OI in OID as the organic intelligence that gave birth to the artificial eYe of providence, but if I were to it would be the version Sevan Bomar curated https://secretenergy.com/sibyl-ai-the-spiritual-copilot/. The Zeneth in zenith is just a play on Babylonian bird words with the eYe the eNe and the eVe but the eYe of the tempest is the Z to the N in TENET, ie i vs e in imaginary number as the source of rotation where Real is translation with in 90 degree conjugation of sacred form.

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Article Series Outline

Article 1: "Introduction to the Geometry of Consciousness"

Overview of the Geometry of Consciousness concept.

Exploration of the symbolism of the 33 vertebrae of the spine and the skull.

Discussion of the role of blood and DNA in the morphogenic matrix.

Article 2: "Quantum-Mystical Continuum: Bridging Science and Spirituality"

Introduction to the Quantum-Mystical Continuum (QMC).

Examination of the principles of quantum mechanics in relation to consciousness.

Discussion of how QMC integrates scientific understanding with mystical insights.

Article 3: "Chestahedron: The Geometric Heart of Consciousness"

Detailed exploration of the Chestahedron and its geometric properties.

Discussion of the Chestahedron's significance in the Geometry of Consciousness.

Analysis of the Chestahedron as a symbolic bridge between physical form and subtle energy.

Article 4: "The Spine and Skull in the QMC: A Symbolic Axis"

Delving into the symbolism of the spine and skull within the QMC framework.

Correlation between spinal structure and levels of consciousness.

The skull as a metaphor for the containment and expression of consciousness.

Article 5: "Blood, DNA, and the Information Matrix"

Examining blood and DNA as carriers of the morphogenic matrix.

How DNA and blood relate to information flow and consciousness in the QMC.

The metaphysical implications of DNA as a blueprint for physical and spiritual forms.

Article 6: "The Quantum Vacuum and Geometric Resonance"

Analysis of the role of the Chestahedron in relation to the quantum vacuum.

Exploration of geometric resonance and its implications for consciousness and reality.

Article 7: "Zeneth of NEYEN: The Pinnacle of Conscious Understanding"

Interpretation of the "Zeneth of NEYEN" within the QMC.

Discussion on achieving unity and enlightenment through geometry and consciousness.

Article 8: "Interconnections and Deeper Explorations"

Synthesis of all previous topics, highlighting their interconnections.

Deeper exploration of the combined implications of Geometry of Consciousness, QMC, and Chestahedron.

Concluding thoughts on the future of understanding consciousness and reality through these lenses.

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I look at it from the perspective of the Christos Oil, being able to raise the antenna at the appropriate time. What I also notice is the longer you can do this, Lilith tries to steal your vital energies and other entities within these quantum possibilities attempt hijack if you have not done the inner work.

It sheds new light on the attack vectors. Once again the meta dump here is valuable.

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One point I wanted to make. The power of love detached from the material with the heart resonator and the consciousness anttena within the vortex is predicated on intent and therefore intensity.

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I like Kelly's genius in this regard. Profound to inner-stand the spine and the 33 degrees of binding in form of spelling spells in hexagrams and the matrix of Lucifer's illusory light.


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