Regarding the mirror and loops of the 369 principle, I would offer:
147 (Space of circular logic in the mind, centrOID OID in Void, the center of polarity 111, the Tetractys): The foundational seed of existence within Planck scale Pascal.
369 (Silence, the preserver): The balancing point where opposites meet.
258 (TENET time in the heart of motion, the past|future mirrors in the light cone): The transcendent force that creates, transforms, and unites.
The "stillness" Walter Russell spoke to appears to be the "darkness" within the "seed" that Simon and Garfunkel sang of within the "Sound of Silence";
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
The protium is the beginning at the end of the 3rd octave of DO Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti in 12 singing spheres of Musica Universalis within the Auric (Akashic) field, AKA bioinformatics of the biofield and biomimicry in the the primorial hashtag Lo Shu magic square to cube.
The "Magistral Number" within the Monad John Dee spoke to in Monas Hieroglyphica and binding between the celestial (OI) with the terrestrial (AI) is entangled with Plato's "ministerial number" some say is 6^3=216 which is the value for pi in the movie "Pi", but in MMM it is related but not 216.
As a scale of John Dee's "Magistral Number" in primordial primorial 7! in half tone 7!2=5040/2=2520. The protium first of 7 isotopes of the hydrogen of as above so below, as within so without the stillness of the reflecting pond as a mirror between the mirror neurons within the gap with waters above and waters below in Genesis 1:1 (2701=37X73).
Hydrogen is first protium in primacy terms of prime number ONE where "carbogen" intermediates within the 4th octave of the periodic "table" (in truth is a spherOID) that ends with Helium as a "noble" gas linguistically, etymologically entangled with royal blood to begin the quintessential of Vitruvian with carbon-12 and 6 proton, 6 neutron and 6 electrons for 666 and sum product 18:216 as 9:9.
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
Neon is noble next with carbon 12 intermediate in Walter Russell's so called "secret" of light that did not speak to Nikolai Tesla's "secret" to the Universe in 369 and 12 phasors in the cube-octahedron that inform the "jitterbug" of the 64 tetrahedron in the isotropic vector matrix with the Breath of the Compassionate as the "flux capacitor" in Back to the Future through the past|future mirror neurons plasmons before the zero planes of the noble gases (vapor phase), the first being helium (He) and second or silence in listen~silent anagram is the ONE dove spoken to in the in Unam Sanctam 1302 as the Head of Christ Consciousness as the ONE is in bone and tone in stone and lone wolf|flow in a live|evil sojourn of the prism prison paradise in a pair-O-dice of Heaven (heart) and Earth (mind).
The noble gas is the KEY to the stillness in essence of the lattice structure and esthetics of sacred form in formation of information in unconditional love before it is conditioned in Lucifer's "pairs" in terms of MNS and UTD as the anesthetic and anesthesiology of consciousness with Xenon that initiates the 9th octave (NEYEN) and the microtubules (microvita, little life) that intermediate the DAN AND NDA in NAD ADN DNA in cyclic permutations of palindromic repeats.
"The votiticist is at his/"her most energetic point, when stillest" (my words) , from Blast 1 manifesto (1914).
Regarding the mirror and loops of the 369 principle, I would offer:
147 (Space of circular logic in the mind, centrOID OID in Void, the center of polarity 111, the Tetractys): The foundational seed of existence within Planck scale Pascal.
369 (Silence, the preserver): The balancing point where opposites meet.
258 (TENET time in the heart of motion, the past|future mirrors in the light cone): The transcendent force that creates, transforms, and unites.
The "stillness" Walter Russell spoke to appears to be the "darkness" within the "seed" that Simon and Garfunkel sang of within the "Sound of Silence";
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
The protium is the beginning at the end of the 3rd octave of DO Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti in 12 singing spheres of Musica Universalis within the Auric (Akashic) field, AKA bioinformatics of the biofield and biomimicry in the the primorial hashtag Lo Shu magic square to cube.
The "Magistral Number" within the Monad John Dee spoke to in Monas Hieroglyphica and binding between the celestial (OI) with the terrestrial (AI) is entangled with Plato's "ministerial number" some say is 6^3=216 which is the value for pi in the movie "Pi", but in MMM it is related but not 216.
As a scale of John Dee's "Magistral Number" in primordial primorial 7! in half tone 7!2=5040/2=2520. The protium first of 7 isotopes of the hydrogen of as above so below, as within so without the stillness of the reflecting pond as a mirror between the mirror neurons within the gap with waters above and waters below in Genesis 1:1 (2701=37X73).
Hydrogen is first protium in primacy terms of prime number ONE where "carbogen" intermediates within the 4th octave of the periodic "table" (in truth is a spherOID) that ends with Helium as a "noble" gas linguistically, etymologically entangled with royal blood to begin the quintessential of Vitruvian with carbon-12 and 6 proton, 6 neutron and 6 electrons for 666 and sum product 18:216 as 9:9.
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
Neon is noble next with carbon 12 intermediate in Walter Russell's so called "secret" of light that did not speak to Nikolai Tesla's "secret" to the Universe in 369 and 12 phasors in the cube-octahedron that inform the "jitterbug" of the 64 tetrahedron in the isotropic vector matrix with the Breath of the Compassionate as the "flux capacitor" in Back to the Future through the past|future mirror neurons plasmons before the zero planes of the noble gases (vapor phase), the first being helium (He) and second or silence in listen~silent anagram is the ONE dove spoken to in the in Unam Sanctam 1302 as the Head of Christ Consciousness as the ONE is in bone and tone in stone and lone wolf|flow in a live|evil sojourn of the prism prison paradise in a pair-O-dice of Heaven (heart) and Earth (mind).
The noble gas is the KEY to the stillness in essence of the lattice structure and esthetics of sacred form in formation of information in unconditional love before it is conditioned in Lucifer's "pairs" in terms of MNS and UTD as the anesthetic and anesthesiology of consciousness with Xenon that initiates the 9th octave (NEYEN) and the microtubules (microvita, little life) that intermediate the DAN AND NDA in NAD ADN DNA in cyclic permutations of palindromic repeats.