I love this: "In the pulsing chamber of the Etheric Heart, where life's rhythm is born but never parts, what whispers of eternity echo in the beat of the unseen arts?"

When the blood from water's flow turns from brine to wine - the spirit fire becomes a shrine

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Getting this monkey off my shoulder, whizz key runs in my veins ;-)

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That clever monkey can teach us patience

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Epic post, that truly intrigues, thank you. Curious to know if you have considered the lungs as the actual factual pump, in additional to a galvanic reactor through the Breath of the Compassionate?

LOVED that you made the connection with the church, and perhaps are willing to entertain the castle and the Giza Pyramids and potential connection to Revelation and the 7 Churches, as I am compelled in divine inspiration of the breath to contend we are here to create these churches (Revelation 3:7-12 for Philadelphia) as a collective, and the Chestahedron is the only thing new under the sun relative to Ecclesiastes 1:9. SO few even know it exists, much less the profound implications it will have as Rudolf Steiner spoke of and I speak to as regards the honey bee and their 5-chamber hearts as the model for what he say's humanity will evolve.

Microvortices are absolutely key in terms of the water intermediary to all in the dendrite. The fractal cardiac cardiOID formation of the heartbeat through the Feigenbuam constant. Quasi-crystalline piezoelectric action appears to be the truth of Genesis through the sacred waters above and below and cavitation forces in sono-luminescence terms. As you likely know as a Schauberger proponent, thank you, the implosive source of cold fusion and several other emerging plasma based technologies are emerging unstoppable like the TRUTH, organic intelligence (centripetal-center focus in the heart) of the femiNEYEN mirror of mascuLINE explosion (centrifugal-polarizing binary bits and bats in the hemispheres of the mind as a cubic thought form (Platonic Earth). Please check out www.strikefoundation.earth as it is a more cosmic perspective but the mind-heart-gut trinity are entangled in superposition and entanglement of archetype within the HERE and NOW always and all ways ONE in the spheres. I wish I could add the graphics as a picture says 1000 words.

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It is a shame you cannot add graphics in the comments. You can restack and add images I think.

This piece made clear to me the "word" 3,6,9 creates the heart structure for past, present and future iterations, of the you, I and us. All and everything existing in the QMC. It has many names as you know. All of them have been used to fig the mind of the searcher. Hence the QMC invention, all welcome, all sovereign.under a sigil, servitor and a new egregore reimagined.

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Yes, LOVE this, it truly is the secret to the universe as Nikolai Tesla shared so long ago along with his genius that solved all of humanities problems, and was the sole soul responsible for the industrial revolution, vs the twit he made famous in... what's his name again? Thomas Edison a fraud like Darwin and Freud and Einstein and Hawking and MANY more that were propped up for the programing of separation within the midget mind. Regarding the illusions of Lucifer's light in prime time Christ cross Code X in X and Space X and Disease X... what is this X as regards the sorcerer's and philospher stones and Excalibur in Chi Rho and chirality of eYe-Ching in the 64 squares of the chess board and hexagrams of the Yin Yan in the quantum condensate of the OID in plasmoid, as one of many names you refer to, in GOC they are qualified as passed NOW (past) and feature NOW (future) as protective cones about the NOW that are NOT That and never will be more than mirrors of duality in form of formats ONE and TWO.

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I am currently researching Victor Grebennikov and the cavity structure effect. :) and of course Schauberger centripetal spiral motions. I have currently ended up with the scarab beetle. I am a novice, so please prod when needed.

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