Walter Russell's work on natural law revolved around a deeply holistic understanding of the universe, encompassing not just physical but also moral and spiritual dimensions. His philosophical system was captured in principles he called "Universal Law," "Natural Law," or "The Science of Man."
Here are some quotes that encapsulate his views:
1. On Universal Law: "There is but one law for all the universe. That law is balance. All Mind-thinking is based upon the one positive principle of light which produces the positive condition of heat from which positive electric action is born, and upon the one negative principle of cold which produces the negative condition of cold from which negative magnetic reaction is born." - Walter Russell, "The Secret of Light"
2. On Rhythm and Balance: "The balanced rhythm of the universe is founded upon equal interchange between all pairs of opposites in Nature." - Walter Russell, "The Secret of Light"
3. On the Unity of the Universe: "The universe is a whole. Nothing of the whole is apart from the whole. The whole is not one thing, it is a complex of an infinite number of parts." - Walter Russell, "The Universal One"
4. On God and Law: "God is the invisible, motionless, sexless, undivided, and unconditioned White Magnetic Light of Mind. God's knowing is Magnetic. God's thinking is electric." - Walter Russell, "Home Study Course"
5. On Man and Natural Law: "Man violates Natural Law in many ways. He violates the law of love by hating, killing, and causing discord. He likewise violates law by getting poor by desiring poverty instead of riches. Poverty is as much a violation of Natural Law as crime itself." - Walter Russell, "A New Concept of the Universe"
In Russell's view, a proper understanding and application of these universal laws could lead to a new era of human progress and harmony, transcending the limitations of our current state of knowledge and existence.