Very interesting subject the Gnostics. Using the word mechanical in stead of physical just didn’t feel right. When we are not Enlightened we are a slave to the physical. It’s the body that rules the Soul. Until Enlightenment. Also lacking organic should de lacking in Spirit or better I think Spiritually to Ascend. Again the Spirit the Soul is not organic. It misses a few key points about Gnosticism Because the way our controllers dealt with the Gnostics I had the feeling they were right on the target. Burning them alive is probably the most Evil Man has done to himself. I do understand they did it in the name of God with Bible in hand. My Enlightenment came after years of travelling. At 24 I wasreading through the Sanskrit text when I had a Devine experience. My body just overflowed with Love and floated then I left my body and was looking down on it Then a Euphoria came over me was like nothing than can be described. I believe I had this experience cause had learned to Love everybody and I felt that connection as I was reading how we are all connected and the Light inside everyone of us combined is the Divine Light. So we are all Devine so therefore we are all God. The same God. Just one God. I tell you this cause I would be very interested what you come up with in regards to the Sanskrit Text. Thank you Mark.

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People at a Wim Hof cold-water immersion?

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oh, and I looked at your demiurge stuff last night in the stupor I call “it’s after 8 in the evening” and I didn’t detect any typos. Couldn’t tell if you were showing off or if I was too tired to see any. This made me think I should go back and look. Oh, and the other stuff about the meaning of life on this planet? That was good too. I hope I’m talking to the right guy. I’m usually lost down here in the internet.

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From a very different angle but actually saying a lot of similar things (and also referring to gnostics) is this interview with David Ike. Interestingly, all in my inbox on the same day. https://youtu.be/SAO0ex91j9I?si=LS7vc9pXhskaY6hF

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Mark, you'll have a paid subscription from me coming soon! This is one of the most eloquent pieces I've read on this topic, and I cover this topic extensively on my substack. I love how you incorporated "The Gospel of Philip" and "The Gospel of Judas" because these are texts that are missing that tell the full story.

Everything is an imitation and I love how you described that. Earlier today, I was thinking to myself, there are Three Rulers on this Physical Plane: Baking, Military, Religion. These three are the Physical "Holy Trinity" and these three are the rulers on this Earth and have enslaved all of Humanity. Once we begin to understand that, that is the first step.

I'm sure we'll connect again, but I just wanted to share my thoughts and say thank you for this work. I believe we've connected before where I shared my previous post on the topic, but your topic today is exactly why I think we need to Gnosticism to replace the Ruler of Religion that's been given to us.

Here are some of my links if anyone is interested, but again, thanks for the phenomenal explanation:



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