When we stop seeing Æther as something distant or abstract, and recognize it as the very matrix that makes up our collective being, everything shifts. It’s almost as if, by remembering this, we realign with the cosmic truth that we’ve always been part of something much greater. Same with owning our bioelectric fields. And not, flipping back into a false/fake consensus reality, based on a faked construct.

Why, would they try so hard to make us so small, so insignificant, if they did not fear our relationship to the obviousness of our collective power.

These were stolen from us. By design. Yet, we remember and share, so others will. so, be it sister.

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We start by dissolving the designation of names and definitions and radically accept our contractual obligation to the unknown that states — we are to pollinate each other with multidimensional wisdom and unconditional love. Then we come together as a whole, and remember “the Æther” was never an isolated, unfamiliar element only outside of us never to be validated. It was our combined molecular matrix all along.

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Harvest, compost, recreate. 🎱❤️

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